Proceedings: International Symposium on Political Geography – Nicosia, 1976.
Xρ. Ζαχαράκη, ΄Εντυπη Χαρτογράφηση του Ελληνικού Χώρου από τον ΙΕ μέχρι τον ΙΗ αιώνα, Λευκωσία, 1976.
Th. Pantazis, An outline of the geology and geomorphology of Cyprus, Nicosia, 1971.
G. Karouzis, Time wasted and distance travelled by the Cyprus farmer in order to visit his scattered and fragmented agricultural holding, Nicosia, 1971.
W. Dreghorn Geomorphology of the coast line east of KyreniaCastle,. Nicosia,1971
W. Dreghorn Geomorphology of the Troulli area, Nicosia,1971.
Ο. Γιαγκουλλή, Καρστικά φαινόμενα εις την περιοχή του αεροδρομίου Λευκωσίας, Λευκωσία 1972
Κ. Demetriades, The historical growth of Famagusta and an analysis of its present functions, Nicosia, 1972.